Where do we go from here?

Posted by on Oct 12, 2015

The waiting is the hardest part.

Where does the time go? Ten years ago, we moved to Denver with the thought that we’d take some time off the road, get out of debt, and see where we were when the dust cleared. My, how time can get away from us.

What we’ve been doing while we haven’t been making music…

West Colfax Home, Denver, CO

West Colfax Home, Denver, CO

Together, Randy and I have been through a lot these past ten years–clawed our way out of debt, lost relatives, learned we cannot have children, bought and fixed up an old house, adopted, loved, and eventually said goodbye our dog Diego at the end of his life, welcomed new family members, made new careers for ourselves as a tour guide and deputy sheriff, and generally watched the world turn upside down in so many ways. It has been a bittersweet chapter of our lives, and we are grateful for the lessons it has taught us and the closeness it is creating in the two of us as we take on the next chapter.

Diego, 2003-2015

Diego, 2003-2015

2016 will be a year of bold choices for us. We have sold the house, and decided not to buy another one right away. Randy is moving on from law enforcement in a few months. We’ll be on the move again–traveling much more, even if we continue to base in Colorado…

Where are we going with all this?

Like so many people that aren’t kids anymore, we are wondering how to leave our mark on the world, and what all our newfound freedom is for, if not for serving others, and pursuing our passions–one of which is certainly making music. There are some new songs which we’d like to see recorded after they’ve been road-tested a bit, and Randy’s own project Spiderfence is nearly done and sounding so good. I’d like to see a bit more of the world before we consider settling down again.

Looking out at the big, big world.

Looking out at the big, big world.

It is easy to be overwhelmed as we find ourselves so unencumbered by the things that kept us tied down for these past ten years, but we will be working and praying to be good stewards of this time and freedom. Stay tuned here as we figure it out…and say a prayer for us during this time if you think of it. We have a lot on our minds!





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